Author: jordan-wall

Bodybuilders and other athletes have long sought an effective pharmaceutical means of shedding body fat. Historically, three agents have been most highly regarded as fat-burning drugs;…

If asked to name the most accepted and researched performance- enhancing substance in the world, most people would answer “creatine.” Despite the impressive list of publications…

Tall bodybuilders aren’t noted for their slim waistlines and deep abs. That’s suppose to be a “little guy” thing, right? Ed Nunn says, “Hell no!” The…

by John Romaniello Like many people, my first exposure to density training was with EDT, which I used as a hypertrophy program. I gained some muscle,…

So you think you know everything about Ronnie Coleman’s training, huh? Pop quiz, hot shot. Sharpen your No. 2 pencil, put aside your old issues of…

In the past few months I’ve received requests by phone and mail and in person from men wanting information on how they should train. All were…

Braces or supports can prevent the development of strength. This month’s installment is inspired by a seminar conversation I had with Hall of Fame strength and…