Manufacturer: British Dragon
Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Pack: 10ml (100 mg/ml)
Aquabol Suspension by British Dragon is an injectable steroid containing 100mg per ML of the hormone Testosterone Suspension.
Testosterone suspension is an injectable preparation containing unesterfied testosterone in a water base. Testosterone suspension is one of the oldest forms of testosterone. It differs from the other testosterone in that is dissolved in water, giving it some unique properties. The most significant one is that it is absorbs very quickly and starts to have an effect in 1-2 hours after injecting.

Very fast acting, testosterone suspension will sustain elevated testosterone levels for 1- 2 days only. This drug requires frequent injections. The testosterone in this compound will convert easily easily into dihydrotestosterone and estogens. We are recommending to buy British Dragon Aquabol online only from official suppliers.
Dosage and administration:
Adult dosage is 25-50mg per day.
Androgens are contraindicated in men with carcinomas of the breast or with known or suspected carcinomas of the prostate and in women who are or may become pregnant.
Adverse reactions:
Acne and hair loss. Gynecomastia.