if you want to do press downs, do them in a balanced way. You should hold the bar properly, to push with fingers. It lay stress on the hands and wrist and reduces the total force applied to the bar. The trick is to push it with the heel of the palms for maximum benefit.
This is the reverse of the above push is to turn over your grip and follow an underhand grip to pull the weight down, when practicing triceps press down. The overhand version lays stress on the lateral triceps head, whereas, the underhand version stresses the neglected middle head. To enlarge the overall triceps mass, the mass of all three triceps heads should be balanced and maximized. For this, you will need to dedicate more time to the medial head besides the lateral head.
Angles play a very important role in carrying workouts, your body structure strength training is dependent on meticulously calculated workout regime with many different and precise angles. In the conventional lying triceps extension, an individual starts with arms extended and the bar directly over the torso. In this deviation, you will begin and end with the arms at a 45-degree angle.
Start with lying down with your face up on a flat bench, your feet should be flat on the floor or on the bench. Hold a barbell, make a secure shoulder-width grip before you release the bar. Hold the bar tightly using your thumbs for safety when you hold it above you.
Keep your arms straight and let the bar slowly pass over your face to the end of the bench. Stop when the arms attain a 45-degree angle position to the bench, now raise your arms straight in the air with the bar in your hand and then let it pass over your face again to the end of the bench. Repeat the process in order of reps.