Manufacturer: British Dragon
Substance: Methandrostenolone
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Methanabol by British Dragon is an oral steroid which contains 10mg per tab of the hormone Methandrostenolone.
Methandrostenolone is a 17-alpha-alkylated oral anabolic-androgenic steroid with anabolic properties that are more pronounced than its androgenic effects. It has little progestational activity and easily converts to estrogens. Methandrostenolone has an anabolic activity index 0.60 and an androgenic activity index 0.20. Methandrostenolone has an extra double bond in the A-ring and, therefore, is not converted by 5-alpha reduction into DHT. Since methandrostenolone was created in the 1960s, it has been used for many different applications.

At present, the only legitimate therapeutic indications for this anabolic steroid are: replacement of male sex steroids in men who have androgen deficiency, for example as a result of loss of both testes; the treatment of certain rare forms of aplastic anemia which are or may be responsive to anabolic androgens; and, in certain countries, to counteract catabolic states, for example after major trauma. You can always buy Methanabol online in USA from legit suppliers.
Dosage and administration:
The daily adult dosage is 10-50 mg.
Adverse reactions:
Virilization in women; prostatic hypertrophy, impotence and azoospermia in men; acne, abnormal lipids. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances: sodium and water retention can occur and result in edema; hypercalcemia is also reported. Insulin resistance with a fall in glucose tolerance.
- Known or suspected carcinoma of the prostate or the male breast.
- Pregnancy, because of possible masculinization of the fetus. Nephrosis, the nephrotic phase of nephritis, hypercalcemia, polycythemia.