Manufacturer: Gen-Shi Laboratories
Substance: Testosterone Blend
Pack: 5 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Effective dose: 250-1000 mg per week.
Use for: 12 – 52 weeks
Susta 1250 by Gen-Shi Laboratories is an injectable steroid containing 250mg per ML of the hormone Testosterone Blend.
Pharmacokinetics and Indications:
Sustanon is an ester testosterone. Its main benefit for athletes and body builders is that it is injected only once in a month so they have to visit the doctor only once in a month and moreover, other steroids can also be used along with it. It causes muscles growth and fat loss. So this steroid is anabolic as well as strongly catabolic. It also has capacity to increase erythropiesis and increase muscle oxygen intake. Due to high oxygen muscle intake, even strenuous exercise can be dealt easily. It can increase the aggressiveness through neuromuscular transmission. Weight gain by using this medicine is remarkable. It is used by athletes to increase the muscle number and appearance. Because of its anabolic and catabolic activities, it is very popular among sports men to lose fat from the body. It actually, doesn’t increase the muscle mass but it concentrate on increasing the muscles number. It significantly increase erythropoiesis and is used in certain anemia. It is used in conditions where glycogen synthesis is required. Body builders use it to increase the aggressiveness in the game. Athletes use it at the time of excessive training exercise because it helps a lot due to increased oxygen muscle levels.
Possible Side effects:
Side effects are Gynecomastia, acne, decreases in libido, shrinkage of the testicles,Increase in blood pressure because it has high affinity to retain water in the body, Increase in the prostate size and difficulty in urination, Baldness- male pattern, estrogenic side effects are produced due to conversion of androgen to estrogen, In women it can also lead to enlargement of clitoris.